Judith Angharad: "shall we do some running, Alice?"
Judith Angharad: Grandpa and Sam
Judith Angharad: The uphill running party crossing paths with the downhill running party
Judith Angharad: Nick behaving in a non-avuncular fashion towards his nephew
Judith Angharad: Follow my leader
Judith Angharad: Sam, who seemingly just can't be bothered with this walking lark after all
Judith Angharad: (Some of) the men folk
Judith Angharad: Olivia and Catherine
Judith Angharad: Daddy taking a pounding from Sam
Judith Angharad: Present opening mayhem
Judith Angharad: Steve and Max
Judith Angharad: Sam delighted to have found some steps to mess about on
Judith Angharad: The Joy of Slime
Judith Angharad: More slime / eyeball shenanigans
Judith Angharad: Anna Poppet
Judith Angharad: 26th April - Anna and Olivia amused by Uncle Nick's eyeball trick
Judith Angharad: General mayhem
Judith Angharad: "Jump, Max, jump!"
Judith Angharad: "Anyone not seen me walking yet?"
Judith Angharad: A lot of running today
Judith Angharad: The kids' table (expertly kept in check by Alice)