judester1213: reporting to duty, Lakka hospital
judester1213: on call, Lakka hospital
judester1213: Big Foot Treatment
judester1213: PMO's office of Western Area
judester1213: Western Area In-Charges meeting
judester1213: Betty and the In Charges
judester1213: and this is how you take attendance.
judester1213: powerpointin
judester1213: training session with the Western Area District Health Management Team
judester1213: training session with the Western Area District Health Management Team
judester1213: reviewing staff attendance
judester1213: Data verification exercises by Betty and Flo
judester1213: training the hospital management team at Ola During Children's hospital
judester1213: data verification exercises
judester1213: data verification exercises
judester1213: Matron in Charge conducting a Physical Staff Check
judester1213: free drugs
judester1213: mother and child reunion
judester1213: sick baby
judester1213: baby with a head port
judester1213: shortage of beds in the ICU of the national children's hospital
judester1213: free healthcare...
judester1213: sick child in the ICU
judester1213: signing into the Daily Attendance Register
judester1213: medical officer at Ola During Children's Hospital