judester1213: 2lbs of spinach + 16 lbs of bird
judester1213: prep station
judester1213: before
judester1213: starting out right
judester1213: johnny and the apps
judester1213: cat the cocktail queen
judester1213: birdseye bird people
judester1213: a feast for kings
judester1213: josh's room/coat closet: heh
judester1213: storage space
judester1213: saving the bird
judester1213: some things to be thankful for, for sure
judester1213: bring on the bird
judester1213: carving station
judester1213: caught
judester1213: bird carvings by DH
judester1213: thank you
judester1213: turkey time
judester1213: fantastic feast
judester1213: francois in the middle
judester1213: silhouetted josh
judester1213: surprise roommate return..!
judester1213: lads in light
judester1213: post tryptophan posture
judester1213: laughing ladies
judester1213: hour of sweets
judester1213: thankful for dessert
judester1213: party of 18