judester1213: the posse at going away party two
judester1213: the second going away party, me and nicole
judester1213: phil bein phunny with nasuru and phamily
judester1213: chris and martin
judester1213: me and Carol
judester1213: moonscape and jonas
judester1213: serge, me, caroline, akemi
judester1213: the indian
judester1213: going away party
judester1213: the indian
judester1213: mufilika
judester1213: smiling with an ATL relic
judester1213: equator and augustine
judester1213: Yelena and the magic tree
judester1213: uganda equator
judester1213: IMG_5882.jpg
judester1213: kristin and jen
judester1213: equator
judester1213: yay friends, chris, martin
judester1213: judy and phil at the equator
judester1213: serge, me, caroline, akemi
judester1213: mary, me, christine
judester1213: jen in the market
judester1213: nasuru and phil
judester1213: IMG_5922.jpg
judester1213: downtown arua
judester1213: the whole gang
judester1213: me and tove
judester1213: IMG_5892.jpg