Jude S: Jacob's Ladder
Jude S: Smokies 13
Jude S: Nuclear Sunset
Jude S: The Flow
Jude S: Listen
Jude S: Island
Jude S: Toward the Light
Jude S: Long Last Rays
Jude S: Adrift
Jude S: This Is It
Jude S: After My Last Epiphany
Jude S: From the Earth
Jude S: The Devil's Been Let Out
Jude S: 2Feel
Jude S: eYe
Jude S: In the Buzz
Jude S: In the Buzz 2
Jude S: Footprints
Jude S: Sooner or Later
Jude S: The Road
Jude S: The Dakota Chronicles
Jude S: My Singing Daughter
Jude S: To My Father
Jude S: The Song
Jude S: Nuclear Flower
Jude S: Nuclear Flower 2
Jude S: From the Earth
Jude S: Job Done
Jude S: DrumZ
Jude S: Truth