Higher Standards: "What you say Mum??"
Higher Standards: He just melts me :))
Higher Standards: Introducing.....DEJA (Apres' Argent Deja vu)
Higher Standards: Introducing...DEJA (Apres' Argent Deja vu)
Higher Standards: Puppy Porn :))
Higher Standards: Devil Eye!!
Higher Standards: Stret-t-c-c-ch-h-h
Higher Standards: Puppy Porn :))
Higher Standards: Shhhhhhhhhhh..
Higher Standards: Happy Go Lucky Boy
Higher Standards: It's All In The Eyes
Higher Standards: Getting To Know You...
Higher Standards: "Now, don't make me mad!!"
Higher Standards: The Little Sponge
Higher Standards: You Are My Sunshine :)
Higher Standards: Mesa & Deja
Higher Standards: Mercy & Deja
Higher Standards: "You cannot hide from me Mercy. I will find you!!"
Higher Standards: "Wanna wrestle?"
Higher Standards: They all like to be under the computer chair...
Higher Standards: Silly Boy :))
Higher Standards: In Profile
Higher Standards: Total Sweetness