Juanma Teixidó: Weekend Retreat with the team
Juanma Teixidó: The famous "Push your Boss into the water" game. Oscar won.
Juanma Teixidó: The Three Stooges
Juanma Teixidó: Freddy trying to keep the fire going
Juanma Teixidó: XBOX 360 action for the nerd of us
Juanma Teixidó: When is 115 F (46 C) outside, there's nothing else to do but XBOX-ing
Juanma Teixidó: Bored gardener
Juanma Teixidó: Gorgeous sunset
Juanma Teixidó: This shot didn't look half as cool as it did when took it
Juanma Teixidó: Don't ask. You don't really want to know
Juanma Teixidó: Us and them
Juanma Teixidó: Playing FIFA
Juanma Teixidó: Playing FIFA
Juanma Teixidó: Yeah, our gardener is bored
Juanma Teixidó: I loved the shadow on this one
Juanma Teixidó: The infamous "Hit your Boss in the nuts" game
Juanma Teixidó: Martinho...
Juanma Teixidó: Bored gardener?
Juanma Teixidó: Martin is so good at soccer he doesn't even need to look at the ball
Juanma Teixidó: Great Sunset. Great Friends.
Juanma Teixidó: The high today: 115 F