Juan María Coy:
In the Land of Don Quixote - Consuegra (Toledo, Spain)
Juan María Coy:
House of stars - Tobarra (Albacete, Spain)
Juan María Coy:
Last lights of Autumn - Lagunas de Ruidera Natural Park (Ossa de Montiel, Albacete, Spain)
Juan María Coy:
The watchtower over the bend - Jorquera (Albacete, Spain)
Juan María Coy:
Milky Way shines bright above medieval Yeste castle (XIth century) - Yeste (Albacete, Spain)
Juan María Coy:
The last sun beams colouring the fields of Lavanda - Liétor (Albacete, Spain)
Juan María Coy:
Milky way over the Cross' workers monument (451m), also known as "the tomb", reigning the valley at the Cenajo dam. Férez, Socovos, Hellín (Albacete, Spain)
Juan María Coy:
Highway to Milky Way - Pozo Cañada (Albacete, Spain)
Juan María Coy:
A dream waterfall - Bogarra (Albacete, Spain)
Juan María Coy:
First explosion of 2019 at Los Chorros cave - Natural Park "Los Calares del Mundo y de la Sima" at Riopar (Albacete, Spain)
Juan María Coy:
From Tribute Tower to the stars - Taibilla's Castle (XIth century) - Nerpio (Albacete, Spain)
Juan María Coy:
Between life and death - Pozo Cañada (Albacete, Spain).
Juan María Coy:
Sleeping under the stars like the old shepherds. The building is a traditional dry-stone hut (locally known as "cuco") - Tobarra (Albacete, Spain)
Juan María Coy:
The city rests protected by its castle (XVth century) - Chinchilla de Montearagón (Albacete, Spain)
Juan María Coy:
When the light starts to pour in through the trees - Hellín (Albacete, Spain)
Juan María Coy:
The first autumn lights reaching the top of the mountain. Natural Park "Los Calares del Mundo y de la Sima" at Cotillas (Albacete, Spain)
Juan María Coy:
A shiny Milky way watches out the Peñarroya castle (XIIth castle) - Argamasilla de Alba (Ciudad Real, Spain)
Juan María Coy:
The first rays of sunshine light up the Bravo stream waterfall. Natural Park "Los Calares del Mundo y de la Sima" at Yeste (Albacete, Spain)
Juan María Coy:
A slow dawn paints the colors of Lavanda - Liétor (Albacete, Spain)
Juan María Coy:
Sleeping under the stars - Petrola (Albacete, Spain)
Juan María Coy:
A field of opium poppy (Papaver somniferum) flowers, at sunset the sun turns white flowers into a golden field - Pozo Cañada (Albacete,Spain)
Juan María Coy:
The sky spins along with the old abandoned windmill water pump at Isso - Hellín (Albacete, Spain)
Juan María Coy:
Sometimes the sky may surprise you. Milky Way over the Talave swamp - Hellín, Lietor (Albacete, Spain)
Juan María Coy:
The eye of nature winking at you. This place is locally known as 'Arc hill' - Tobarra (Albacete, Spain)
Juan María Coy:
The Milky Way Arc over the century-old oak (Quercus ilex) - Pozo Cañada (Albacete, Spain)
Juan María Coy:
Living the night like a shepherd. The building is a traditional dry-stone hut (locally known as "cuco") - Lietor (Albacete, Spain)
Juan María Coy:
Yellow carpet in a rapeseed field - Albacete (Spain)
Juan María Coy:
It's time for spring in the peach fields of La Mancha - Tobarra (Albacete, Spain)
Juan María Coy:
Stormy sunset over the "horseshoe", part of the Cenajo dam - Férez (Albacete, Spain)
Juan María Coy:
First explosion of the year Los Chorros cave, forming a spectacular fall of more than 80 m. and small pools called calderetas. Natural Park "Los Calares del Mundo y de la Sima" at Riopar (Albacete, Spain)