Jd-Automne: Retratos
Jd-Automne: Solitude Shelter
Jd-Automne: Infinito
Jd-Automne: Introspección.
Jd-Automne: Juan against the world.
Jd-Automne: No EQ.
Jd-Automne: Necesaria Soledad
Jd-Automne: The truth in your smile.
Jd-Automne: Cotidianidad parisina
Jd-Automne: Just Breath.
Jd-Automne: Tower Bridge - London.
Jd-Automne: Eyes - Part I
Jd-Automne: Soulmate.
Jd-Automne: Gold.
Jd-Automne: Sweet companion.
Jd-Automne: Even nature knows how to make death beautiful.
Jd-Automne: Perky Mornings.
Jd-Automne: Empty Alley. My life.
Jd-Automne: Long is the road to success.
Jd-Automne: Si hay voluntad, hay esperanza.
Jd-Automne: Half as much as I do now.
Jd-Automne: Dare to feel.
Jd-Automne: Will you try find me when I'm gone?
Jd-Automne: Suspirar.
Jd-Automne: Un, dos, tres, te sigo a donde estés.
Jd-Automne: Tiny explorer.
Jd-Automne: Frágil.
Jd-Automne: Juan Corazón de León.
Jd-Automne: Manhattan.
Jd-Automne: Frozen in Despair.