edohannema: Sinking Boat
Vive Alpujarra: Barranco de Poqueira. Vive Alpujarra
eljardinero.net: clavel_montaje_001
travel.photos: Jodhpur - the Blue City
Amy Honey: Window Sill
anelest: 009
anelest: 013
anelest: 002
Luis_Ruiz: Carnet de Liège, 15
toni belobrajdic: Santa Maria della Salute
katekos: city at night
Reldats: Mainzer Tor, Buchen im Odenwald.
piker77: Bad weather on the street Royal, Paris
piker77: Arcades, place des Vosges. Paris
D Pavlov: A ride through the clouds
In Memoriam: Okie Bill: Steel Wool 6963
Laura Climent: Building in Seville
susan abbott: Rainy Day in the Batey
susan abbott: Fruit Stall, Madrid
susan abbott: Five Bowls, Provence
susan abbott: Settlement Street, Hopetown
susan abbott: Dawn, Oceanside
susan abbott: Summer Fruit
susan abbott: Morning, Paris
susan abbott: Low Tide, Oceanside
susan abbott: Marsh and Mountain, Oregon
Alicia Solinis: Tetera de cafetería
jdejuan66: ELRioManzanares