Julian Cooper: The Lunar Crater Pythagoras and Environs 18 March 2011
Julian Cooper: Waxing Gibbous Moon 18 March 2011 Mosaic of 6 Images
Julian Cooper: HDR halo around the Full Moon 19 March 2011
Julian Cooper: Full Moon 19 March 2011
Julian Cooper: Waxing Gibbous Moon 19.05 UT 18 March 2011
Julian Cooper: Waxing Gibbous Moon near full from Stacked Smartphone Video (HTC Desire)
Julian Cooper: Waxing crescent Moon 14 March 2011 (imaged on HTC Desire phone camera)
Julian Cooper: Occultation of Propus (eta Geminorum) by the Moon 21.06 to 21.10 UT 13 March 2011
Julian Cooper: Waxing crescent Moon 19.55 UT 11 March 2011
Julian Cooper: The Moon and eta Geminorum about an hour before occultation 19.52 UT 11 March 2011
Julian Cooper: Propus (eta Geminorum) being occulted by the Moon 21.10 UT 11 March 2011
Julian Cooper: Daytime waxing gibbous Moon (just past first quarter) 15.52 UT 13 March 2011
Julian Cooper: Waxing Crescent Moon 22.02UT 11 March 2011
Julian Cooper: The Moon with Earthshine near the Pleiades 10 March 2011
Julian Cooper: Waxing crescent Moon 10 March 2011
Julian Cooper: Waxing crescent Moon 9 March 2011
Julian Cooper: Daytime waxing crescent Moon 9 March 2011
Julian Cooper: Waxing crescent Moon 7 March 2011
Julian Cooper: Waxing crescent Moon 6 March 2011
Julian Cooper: Christmas Morning Waning Gibbous Moon 02.49 UT 25 December 2010
Julian Cooper: Waxing Gibbous Moon 23.52 UT 15 February 2011
Julian Cooper: Waxing Gibbous Moon 18.36 UT 14 February 2011
Julian Cooper: Daytime Waxing Gibbous Moon 17.11 UT 14 February 2011
Julian Cooper: Waxing Gibbous Moon 01.09 UT 14 February 2011
Julian Cooper: Waxing Gibbous Moon 20.35 UT 12 February 2011
Julian Cooper: Waxing Gibbous Moon 14.59 UT 12 February 2011
Julian Cooper: The Effect of Lunar Libration in Latitude
Julian Cooper: Waxing Crescent Moon 21.33 UT 9 February 2011
Julian Cooper: Waxing Crescent Moon 21.36 UT 9 February 2011
Julian Cooper: Waxing Crescent Moon 18.02 UT 8 February 2011