jtravism: a reminder of dying
jtravism: a melting of Cielo
jtravism: the unkindness of corbeau
jtravism: softly blurred, through edge's eye
jtravism: blurred alaska
jtravism: my heart takes flight
jtravism: the beating of my heart
jtravism: the taunting I
jtravism: the dialogue
jtravism: I took a walk in the woods
jtravism: I took a walk in the woods and time folded
jtravism: an impressionistic stroll
jtravism: roads that pass...
jtravism: roads that pass...or as Paul said "tone poems for the restless soul"
jtravism: the opposite of truth
jtravism: a morphing of delight
jtravism: puddle universe II
jtravism: puddle universe I