jtj3photos: Magnolia denudata 'white magnolia'
jtj3photos: Magnolia denudata 'white magnolia'
jtj3photos: daffodil closeup
jtj3photos: Daffodils and sky
jtj3photos: Buteo jamaicensis 'red-tailed hawk'
jtj3photos: Buteo jamaicensis 'red-tailed hawk'
jtj3photos: Buteo jamaicensis 'red-tailed hawk'
jtj3photos: Buteo jamaicensis 'red-tailed hawk'
jtj3photos: Buteo jamaicensis 'red-tailed hawk'
jtj3photos: Turdus migratorius 'American robin'
jtj3photos: Melanerpes carolinus 'red-bellied woodpecker' adult male
jtj3photos: Melanerpes carolinus 'red-bellied woodpecker' adult male
jtj3photos: Turdus migratorius 'American robin'
jtj3photos: 01-21-11 Morton Arboretum 51
jtj3photos: 01-21-11 Morton Arboretum 9
jtj3photos: Cluster of Rhus glabra "red sumac"
jtj3photos: Nature's "Home Depot"
jtj3photos: male Molothrus ater 'brown-headed cowbird'
jtj3photos: Agelaius phoeniceus 'red winged blackbird'
jtj3photos: male Spinus tristis 'American goldfinch' eating breakfast
jtj3photos: daffodils
jtj3photos: Mertensia virginica 'Virginia bluebell'
jtj3photos: Tachycineta bicolor 'tree swallow'
jtj3photos: yellow and white orange-cup daffodils
jtj3photos: a field of orange-cup daffodils
jtj3photos: Sialia sialis 'eastern bluebird'
jtj3photos: Buteo jamaicensis 'red tailed hawk'
jtj3photos: Buteo jamaicensis 'red tailed hawk' in the brush
jtj3photos: Reflections of fall - I
jtj3photos: Asclepias syriaca 'common milkweed' with Oncopeltus fasciatus 'milkweed bug'