JoeFisherPhoto: Day 1 Route
JoeFisherPhoto: Team Pebbles!
JoeFisherPhoto: It's cold, and I'm looking the wrong way
JoeFisherPhoto: That was tough...
JoeFisherPhoto: View from a mega hill 2
JoeFisherPhoto: View from a mega hill
JoeFisherPhoto: Guy assuming his normal farting position
JoeFisherPhoto: I smell chips in the distance...
JoeFisherPhoto: Ray, made it!
JoeFisherPhoto: Welcome to Dover 2!
JoeFisherPhoto: Welcome to Dover!
JoeFisherPhoto: Into Dover!
JoeFisherPhoto: Day 2 Route
JoeFisherPhoto: At Dinner in Abbeville
JoeFisherPhoto: Town in Abbeville
JoeFisherPhoto: Day 3 Route
JoeFisherPhoto: Church at Water Stop
JoeFisherPhoto: Banana for Ray!
JoeFisherPhoto: It's Mule Bar Man!!!
JoeFisherPhoto: Lovely Chateau
JoeFisherPhoto: Me, Mark & Co.
JoeFisherPhoto: In Town with Old Houses
JoeFisherPhoto: Old Houses
JoeFisherPhoto: Mark staring the route ahead
JoeFisherPhoto: DSCF1694
JoeFisherPhoto: DSCF1695