jterry618: 4-6-0 Camel
jterry618: 1883 Iron Pot Hopper - B&O 23001
jterry618: B&O 25
jterry618: B&O 51
jterry618: B&O 147
jterry618: B&O 305
jterry618: 1869 Steam Locomotive Drive Wheel
jterry618: B&O 600
jterry618: Baltimore & Ohio's Mount Clare Roundhouse, Baltimore
jterry618: Built in the Mount Clare Shops, Baltimore
jterry618: Civil War Veteran
jterry618: Classic B&O Caboose
jterry618: Colorful Cylinders - 1863
jterry618: Early Intermodel
jterry618: 1863 Steam Locomotive Drive Wheel
jterry618: Five Years Apart
jterry618: Good Advice from the Baltimore & Ohio
jterry618: 1937 EMC EA
jterry618: 1875 2-6-0 Drive Wheel
jterry618: If Buck Rogers Went By Train
jterry618: Maryland's Merci
jterry618: Thank You, Major Pangborn
jterry618: New Kid - B&O 545, built in 1888
jterry618: Polished to Perfection
jterry618: Preserved President
jterry618: Relics from the Fair of the Iron Horse - 1927
jterry618: Railroads as they Existed 200 Years Ago
jterry618: Six-Hundred
jterry618: Some of the Oldest American Locomotives in Existance
jterry618: State of the Art 1863 and 1875