Ted Bell Photography: moon and tower of the americas
Ted Bell Photography: river walk umbrellas
Ted Bell Photography: la villita little church
Ted Bell Photography: cathedral night
Ted Bell Photography: alamo backlit
Ted Bell Photography: riverwalk musicians
Ted Bell Photography: alamo cenotaph
Ted Bell Photography: stained glass reflection
Ted Bell Photography: Patti and the gato
Ted Bell Photography: st john belltower
Ted Bell Photography: cenotaph detail
Ted Bell Photography: hemisfair park and tower
Ted Bell Photography: carriage line
Ted Bell Photography: tower and moon blue hour
Ted Bell Photography: alamo sunrise
Ted Bell Photography: river walk bridges
Ted Bell Photography: La Antorcha de la Amistad, Tower and Moon
Ted Bell Photography: Tower through curtains
Ted Bell Photography: La Antorcha de la Amistad and moon.jpg
Ted Bell Photography: alamo cops.jpg
Ted Bell Photography: greetings from San Antonio