jtchen22: Ting
jtchen22: Blurry Janice and Ting
jtchen22: Who what when where how
jtchen22: Skinny arm pose vs non skinny arm pose!
jtchen22: Chang and Susan doing the fob thing
jtchen22: Hearts
jtchen22: Ting and Sasha
jtchen22: Sasha and Jake
jtchen22: Hayley!!!!!
jtchen22: Hayley is so cool!
jtchen22: And whomever you are in the glasses, you're cool, too
jtchen22: Peter
jtchen22: Chang, Wanagee
jtchen22: Janice, Chang, Wanagee, Peter
jtchen22: Chang, Janice, Wanagee, Peter
jtchen22: Janice and Chang
jtchen22: Chang and Janice