jtchen22: DJ @ Annie's
jtchen22: DJ @ Annie's
jtchen22: YAY! Go Ecuador!
jtchen22: Mixer @ Annie's
jtchen22: Spinning @ Annie's
jtchen22: Dancing @ Annie's
jtchen22: Dancing @ Annie's
jtchen22: Yo! WTF u lookin' at?@
jtchen22: The bestest DJ's ever
jtchen22: This is what DJ's do
jtchen22: DEATH!
jtchen22: The speakers glow, too!
jtchen22: Trippy CD
jtchen22: Totally futuristic
jtchen22: What you lookin' at?
jtchen22: Only 49 seconds into it
jtchen22: I don't care what you play...
jtchen22: The toilet @ Annie's
jtchen22: Random bathroom taggin'
jtchen22: Socks...
jtchen22: Table @ Annie's
jtchen22: The mixer
jtchen22: We love Annie's!
jtchen22: I'm cute...
jtchen22: Yes, still cute
jtchen22: DSC02216
jtchen22: DSC02217
jtchen22: DSC02239
jtchen22: DJ + L