jsutcℓiffe: Dirleton Castle steps
jsutcℓiffe: Dirleton Castle courtyard
jsutcℓiffe: Dirleton Castle, passage to inner courtyard
jsutcℓiffe: Dirleton Castle, old stairwell
jsutcℓiffe: Dirleton Castle, ceiling of kitchen
jsutcℓiffe: Dirleton Castle, tower
jsutcℓiffe: Dirleton Castle, lord's hall
jsutcℓiffe: Dirleton Castle, lord's hall
jsutcℓiffe: Dirleton Castle, lord's hall
jsutcℓiffe: Dirleton Castle, lord's hall
jsutcℓiffe: Dirleton Castle, lord's hall
jsutcℓiffe: Dirleton Castle, lord's hall
jsutcℓiffe: Dirleton Castle through a window
jsutcℓiffe: Dirleton Castle window
jsutcℓiffe: Dirleton Castle, walls from gun empacement on roof
jsutcℓiffe: View from Dirleton Castle, looking east towards North Berwick Law
jsutcℓiffe: Dirleton Castle window
jsutcℓiffe: Dirleton Castle, collapsed staircase
jsutcℓiffe: Dirleton Castle, Ruthven chambers
jsutcℓiffe: Dirleton Castle, walls of Ruthven chambers
jsutcℓiffe: Dirleton Castle, walls of Ruthven chambers
jsutcℓiffe: Dirleton Castle entrance
jsutcℓiffe: Dirleton Castle entrance
jsutcℓiffe: Dirleton Castle, internal wall and corbel
jsutcℓiffe: Dirleton Castle, window in cellar
jsutcℓiffe: Dirleton Castle, cellar
jsutcℓiffe: Dirleton Castle, passage at the back of the cellar
jsutcℓiffe: Dirleton Castle, passage
jsutcℓiffe: Dirleton Castle, shadow in a stairwell
jsutcℓiffe: Dirleton Castle, great hall