J. Star: Cool stuff you see in the garden when the baby wakes you at 6 am and wants to play
J. Star: I spy with my eight eyes
J. Star: Leonine
J. Star: tarantula
J. Star: I know all your secrets
J. Star: I remember what warm was like. It felt good.
J. Star: What a praying mantis looks like when she flirts
J. Star: I'm just too close to my subject to get any real objectivity
J. Star: Good lord almighty, enough with the mantis pictures already!
J. Star: The lone mantis of the apocalypse
J. Star: What a praying mantis might look like hanging out on somebody's kitchen stove
J. Star: If you jump, you'd best jump far
J. Star: Morning
J. Star: Garden dwelling shrimp
J. Star: Land crustacean
J. Star: When caterpillars go punk
J. Star: Are you my mother?
J. Star: Obscura
J. Star: Fleshy
J. Star: Do those legs go all the way up, baby?
J. Star: Katiedidn't!
J. Star: Shhh...be very quiet...
J. Star: Hiding
J. Star: Hiding
J. Star: Yellow Jacket
J. Star: Yellow Jacket
J. Star: Yellow jacket
J. Star: Fly in a daisy
J. Star: Fly in a daisy
J. Star: Buzzz