jssteak: morning field
jssteak: row upon row
jssteak: lonely stone
jssteak: an established choosing
jssteak: preparation
jssteak: works alone
jssteak: i see
jssteak: tree row
jssteak: little house
jssteak: two tanks
jssteak: white fence farm
jssteak: north of south
jssteak: watered toil
jssteak: muddy waters
jssteak: hayfield
jssteak: two door
jssteak: coming for us
jssteak: out of nowhere
jssteak: the realm of light
jssteak: where it ends
jssteak: it comes
jssteak: waiting
jssteak: white tower
jssteak: lofty spaces
jssteak: the east field
jssteak: listening for the quite
jssteak: no more horses
jssteak: red door
jssteak: red barn standing
jssteak: the log barn