jspad: financial district, boston
jspad: on the way to the beach
jspad: late afternoon sky, eastie
jspad: branches, blue
jspad: revere beach walk (day 168)
jspad: two sparrows
jspad: view from the ICA
jspad: unguarded
jspad: flat tire
jspad: beach umbrellas
jspad: sky over the movies
jspad: green grass
jspad: it must be bunnies
jspad: bird in a tree
jspad: tulip patch
jspad: piers park pink
jspad: egg
jspad: bandstand, revere
jspad: everett st st
jspad: garden stars
jspad: the future
jspad: boxed art
jspad: red tulips
jspad: the carpet in cubeville (day 74)
jspad: red tulips
jspad: work, outside
jspad: rocketship
jspad: lone cloud
jspad: always look up
jspad: diagonal sky