josephsmarr: Checking in for Google I/O
josephsmarr: Alex Russell talks about "Can we get there from here"
josephsmarr: Is it the Web if you can't "view source"?
josephsmarr: Kevin Marks and Brad Fitzpatrick talk about "URLs are people too"
josephsmarr: Chilling in Google's beanbag chairs
josephsmarr: Open Social Web pool classic
josephsmarr: A little pool game at Google I/O
josephsmarr: Scoble stops by to say hi
josephsmarr: Shooting pool with the Open Social Web crowd
josephsmarr: DIY Birds-of-a-feather session
josephsmarr: Dessert buffet at Google I/O party
josephsmarr: Short-order cooks at the Google I/O party
josephsmarr: Google knows how to throw a party
josephsmarr: Gary Vaynerchuk gives out Wine Library TV stickers
josephsmarr: 101 Wines
josephsmarr: Gary Vaynerchuk does a reading at Border's
josephsmarr: Sign for my talk: "OpenSocial, OpenID, and OAuth: Oh, My!"
josephsmarr: Giving my talk: "OpenSocial, OpenID, and OAuth: Oh, My!"