jesssloss: vancouver covered in fog
jesssloss: no shirt cause he can
jesssloss: Mount Baker from Grouse Mountain
jesssloss: Mount Baker view with snowboarder
jesssloss: Slow sign
jesssloss: Im a giant
jesssloss: photographers caputure baker sunrise
jesssloss: sunrise at cypress
jesssloss: taking a picture of sunrise
jesssloss: surprise ha ha ha ha
jesssloss: speedy little skater
jesssloss: begining or end
jesssloss: track set go
jesssloss: mr raven
jesssloss: cordoroy
jesssloss: the tube tow
jesssloss: cliff
jesssloss: spirit tuber
jesssloss: flower killer mike
jesssloss: lumber jack bill
jesssloss: fav sign by jess
jesssloss: groomer tracks
jesssloss: pisten bully
jesssloss: DSC_0013