jesssloss: old vendor in Hoi An
jesssloss: hard days work
jesssloss: over monks shoulders
jesssloss: jess taking a picture thailand
jesssloss: sander head out the bus window
jesssloss: kids with their waterbuffalo
jesssloss: Laos Tuk Tuk resting
jesssloss: Jess with a Laos vista
jesssloss: sander with a Laos vista
jesssloss: Crazy Face
jesssloss: sander after tubing
jesssloss: thumbs up farmer
jesssloss: fun walk home
jesssloss: multi tool
jesssloss: bottele hunting on the mekong
jesssloss: swiming the mekong
jesssloss: drinking and time
jesssloss: axay
jesssloss: laos tuk tuk driver driving
jesssloss: daddy's little biker girl
jesssloss: laura in danang
jesssloss: traveling knife sharpener
jesssloss: profile of a vietnamese vendor
jesssloss: safety first fishing in vietnam
jesssloss: little girl catching crabs with her bothers
jesssloss: preschool moto ride
jesssloss: Thai Family in yellow on the train
jesssloss: do they have seven eleven in thailand