jesssloss: Amazing Canada Day Sunset
jesssloss: Amazing Canada Day Sunset
jesssloss: triumph
jesssloss: railing
jesssloss: ramp
jesssloss: row boat
jesssloss: fulford harbour dock
jesssloss: tree
jesssloss: rock shoreline
jesssloss: seeding
jesssloss: purple flowers
jesssloss: dock ramp
jesssloss: floatplane
jesssloss: tail-gating a float plane
jesssloss: boating Canada Day
jesssloss: ganges harbour dock
jesssloss: rain on the ferry
jesssloss: old wooden boat
jesssloss: organic purple garlic at the farmers market
jesssloss: emma and fred planting Basil
jesssloss: baby racoons
jesssloss: fresh from the island
jesssloss: sunset from the ferry
jesssloss: saltspring dokcs
jesssloss: docks
jesssloss: life boat 2
jesssloss: seagull playing in the wind
jesssloss: smokestacks on ferry
jesssloss: rings on the lifeboat
jesssloss: bottom of the life boat