joshsled: just try to take it
joshsled: keep away
joshsled: frisbee fun
joshsled: big dog hello!
joshsled: keep away time!
joshsled: frisbee tug
joshsled: i'm running i'm running i'm really really running and running and running
joshsled: i am in the pool and i am happy
joshsled: lucy would like to know why you're bothering her pool time?
joshsled: mera thinks hooves are quite chewable
joshsled: mera loves the hoof
joshsled: harry, not killing anyone just yet
joshsled: gertie is watching
joshsled: this frisbee is mine
joshsled: gertie supervises
joshsled: what's up what's going on hey hello you what's up come on
joshsled: yay for lucy
joshsled: dogs as far as the eye can see
joshsled: pickles, alone
joshsled: play time with the new brother
joshsled: momma's dogs
joshsled: cartier is tired
joshsled: gertie
joshsled: not me
joshsled: smiley
joshsled: hello!
joshsled: big happy dumb dog
joshsled: bella chews a bone
joshsled: big dog
joshsled: which way are we going?