James St. John: Casagrande cup for Atterberg Limits Test 1
James St. John: Casagrande cup for Atterberg Limits Test 2
James St. John: Rock saw
James St. John: Shelby tube containing a core of regolith
James St. John: Shelby Tube Extruder 1
James St. John: Shelby Tube Extruder 2
James St. John: Shelby Tube Extruder 3
James St. John: Shelby Tube Extruder 4
James St. John: Shelby Tube Extruder 5
James St. John: Shelby Tube Extruder 6
James St. John: Shelby Tube Extruder 7
James St. John: Soil core 1
James St. John: Trimming a soil core
James St. John: Trimming from a soil core 1
James St. John: Trimmings from a soil core 2
James St. John: Soil core 2
James St. John: Soil core 3
James St. John: Soil core 4
James St. John: Soil core 5
James St. John: Unconfined compression test computer screen
James St. John: Soil core being subjected to an unconfined compression test 1
James St. John: Soil core being subjected to an unconfined compression test 2
James St. John: Soil core being subjected to an unconfined compression test 3
James St. John: Soil core deforming during an unconfined compression test 1
James St. John: Fractured soil core from an unconfined compression test 1
James St. John: Fractured soil core from an unconfined compression test 2
James St. John: Deformed soil core from an unconfined compression test
James St. John: Fractured & deformed soil core from an unconfined compression test
James St. John: Fractured soil core from an unconfined compression test 3