jsindal: Jeff Lemieux and Brian Bilello inspect toys
jsindal: Eddie Ross sorts through toys
jsindal: Jeff Lemieux prepares to inspect some more toys for quality
jsindal: Bryan Scales enjoying the toy section
jsindal: Brian Bilello inspects a game for quality
jsindal: Deven Apajee and Gary Hall marvel at this find in the toys
jsindal: Brian Turnbull and Amanda Geary go "shopping"
jsindal: Cathal Conlon and Richard Powell sort clothes
jsindal: Danielle Rines sorts clothes
jsindal: Corey Hanlon sorts through clothes
jsindal: Joe Chamas and Sean Marshall finish one up
jsindal: Revs Staff at Cradles to Crayons
jsindal: Jeff and Brian inspect toys
jsindal: Eddie inspects a few toys
jsindal: Jeff gets another toy to inspect
jsindal: Bryan enjoys a laugh
jsindal: Brian inspects a toy
jsindal: Deven and Gary marvel at a soccer toy
jsindal: Brian and Amanda go "shopping"
jsindal: Cathal and Richard sort clothes
jsindal: Danielle sorts clothes
jsindal: Corey is ready
jsindal: Finishing up a package
jsindal: Group photo