pet sounds and villains: Gear Shots - 1
pet sounds and villains: Gear Shots - 3
pet sounds and villains: Gear Shots - 2
pet sounds and villains: Gear Shots - 4
pet sounds and villains: Gear Shots - 7
pet sounds and villains: Gear Shots - 5
pet sounds and villains: Gear Shots - 6
pet sounds and villains: Summer Gear Conflagaration or Configuration
pet sounds and villains: New Akai MiniAK
pet sounds and villains: Dusting off the MPC500
pet sounds and villains: Little Analog Station
pet sounds and villains: Sunhil Studios and Layabout Paradise
pet sounds and villains: Technology #ourphotochallenge. From the "Hard Cobble Abdomen" recording sessions.
pet sounds and villains: Recent recording day
pet sounds and villains: New Gear! First Modular
pet sounds and villains: Custom Cell 48, Assembled. My first taste of Eurorack.
pet sounds and villains: Testing the Cell
pet sounds and villains: Cell in its New Habitat
pet sounds and villains: Patchy Details
pet sounds and villains: Gear for Sale (MS2000BR, Akai Pro MiniAK)
pet sounds and villains: Modular Patch, routed through Monotrons