jsgrites: The Dr. will see you now...
jsgrites: awesome billboard
jsgrites: messenger / king lube
jsgrites: shooting club
jsgrites: take it like a man
jsgrites: the Dublin House
jsgrites: the Silver Fox
jsgrites: classic
jsgrites: the P & G
jsgrites: slow curve
jsgrites: Jerry's
jsgrites: rock salt & carpet runners
jsgrites: phone security
jsgrites: subway
jsgrites: Mars Bar
jsgrites: you idle, you pay
jsgrites: you missed
jsgrites: shore weekend
jsgrites: Mars wall abstract
jsgrites: just what i always wanted
jsgrites: my whereabouts exactly
jsgrites: supermarket
jsgrites: new sign!
jsgrites: hardcore
jsgrites: old hotel sign
jsgrites: Wonderland
jsgrites: why not?
jsgrites: capt. Howard's
jsgrites: no parole office
jsgrites: eat in - take