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1st New Hampshire Heavy Artillery by Steve Dow
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Steve Dow
H. F. Hunt
Steve Dow
Sgt Elbridge Jacobs, 12th NH, 1st NH Hvy Art
Steve Dow
George W. Howard
Steve Dow
Amos C. Dickerman
Steve Dow
Samuel Dow
Steve Dow
B. F. French
Steve Dow
Nathan K. Lawrence
Steve Dow
Corpl. Sam'l F. Flanders
Steve Dow
Joseph W. Chase
Steve Dow
Albert L. and Justin S. Batchelder
Steve Dow
Perry C Moore
Steve Dow
Samuel P. Holt
Steve Dow
Horace W. Baker
Steve Dow
Alonzo M. Varney
Steve Dow
Enos L Glidden
Steve Dow
George L Stackpole, 1st NH Hvy Art
Steve Dow
Charles S. Lundberg
Steve Dow
J. Henry Dix
Steve Dow
Henry A. Blaisdell
Steve Dow
Carlos W. Noyes
Steve Dow
James H. Hardy
Steve Dow
Charles P. Morse
Steve Dow
George F Johnson
Steve Dow
John H Prescott
Steve Dow
Herbert E. Howard
Steve Dow
Francis Brown
Steve Dow
John H Stiles
Steve Dow
James M Cilley
Steve Dow
Charles E Bachelder
Steve Dow
Isaiah H Tucker
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