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Riverside, Springvale, ME by Steve Dow
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Steve Dow
James M Goodwin, 27th Maine
Steve Dow
Deacon Joseph Ridley, 27th Maine
Steve Dow
Ham N Trafton
Steve Dow
Samuel L Allen, 27th Maine
Steve Dow
Stephen Wilkinson
Steve Dow
Samuel H Garvin
Steve Dow
John H Leavitt, 27th Maine Inf
Steve Dow
James S Abbott, 2nd Mass Vols
Steve Dow
George H Allen, 17th Maine
Steve Dow
Thomas H Banks, 33rd Mass Inf
Steve Dow
Sergt Araetas H Dillingham, 17th Mass
Steve Dow
William J Gowen, 2nd Maine Cav
Steve Dow
Moses Hemingway, 12th Maine
Steve Dow
Capt Edmund G. Murray, 8th Maine
Steve Dow
George H Roberts, 9th and 27th Maine
Steve Dow
Lt John Hemingway, 8th Maine
Steve Dow
Stephen Lord, 5th Mass Inf
Steve Dow
A W Trickey, 2nd Mass Cav
Steve Dow
Hiram Philpot, 19th MA INF
Steve Dow
Rev Wayland C Westcott
Steve Dow
Ira M Welch, 8th Maine Inf
Steve Dow
John S Stokes, 8th NH Inf Vol Regt
Steve Dow
Thomas Seavey, 8th Maine Vol Inf
Steve Dow
Frank Hamilton, 7th NH Inf
Steve Dow
Alfred K Ridley, 2nd Unatt Co, MA Inf
Steve Dow
Springvale Riverside Cemetery
Steve Dow
Benjamin D. Keating
Steve Dow
Orrin T Hayward, 2nd MA Heavy Artillery
Steve Dow
Charles W Drummond, 25th Maine
Steve Dow
William J. Gowen
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