jrvl: Barron Falls, near Kuranda
jrvl: Greeeeen
jrvl: Just the two of us
jrvl: Apparently they're called "Welcome Swallows"...
jrvl: P1010262
jrvl: Top-down view of part of the Daintree Rainforest
jrvl: Spiky
jrvl: Mossman Gorge
jrvl: Mossman Gorge
jrvl: Bark close-up
jrvl: More Bark
jrvl: Kauri Pine
jrvl: Broken Bamboo
jrvl: Red
jrvl: Red on Green
jrvl: P1010559
jrvl: Shy wallaby refused to turn around - was too busy eyeing off the lady wallabies I think!
jrvl: How many shoes and handbags...
jrvl: Freshwater Croc
jrvl: Are you my mummy?
jrvl: Mother and Joey
jrvl: Yes, it's a duck. No, I don't remember what kind...
jrvl: I swear just seconds before they were playing "ring-a-ring-a-rosy"...
jrvl: Polly wanna cracker?