J.R. Rondeau: View of the Atlantic Ocean in Casablanca!
J.R. Rondeau: Beach Apartment in Casablanca with the Atlantic Ocean in the background!
J.R. Rondeau: First view of Morocco
J.R. Rondeau: Head ache pill at Frankfurt airport
J.R. Rondeau: Mosaic at Mosque Hassan II in Casablanca
J.R. Rondeau: Colonade at Mosque Hassan II in Casablanca
J.R. Rondeau: Fountain at Mosque Hassan II
J.R. Rondeau: Minaret at Mosque Hassan II
J.R. Rondeau: Thorny plant
J.R. Rondeau: A Coke by any other language..
J.R. Rondeau: Thorny plants abstract
J.R. Rondeau: If you can't read this sign....
J.R. Rondeau: Avenue Mohammed VI
J.R. Rondeau: More wall art!
J.R. Rondeau: Butterfly
J.R. Rondeau: Wall Mural
J.R. Rondeau: Colourful wall and window
J.R. Rondeau: Market stall in my wanderings of Marrakech
J.R. Rondeau: Night revelers at JDjenna El-Fna
J.R. Rondeau: Rings!
J.R. Rondeau: Colourful Chandelier
J.R. Rondeau: Glasses for Berber Whisky
J.R. Rondeau: Looks like honey combs!
J.R. Rondeau: A lamp to steer by!
J.R. Rondeau: View two of Koutobia Mosque
J.R. Rondeau: View one of Koutobia Mosque
J.R. Rondeau: Apparitions at Minara Garden!
J.R. Rondeau: Alcove Decorations at Bahia Palace
J.R. Rondeau: Door at Bahia Palace
J.R. Rondeau: Koutobia Mosque Entrance