J.R. Rondeau: Beach view at Tolo (2)
J.R. Rondeau: I wanna be, Under the sea....
J.R. Rondeau: The Committed in Concert A Lovely Lady 2
J.R. Rondeau: The Committed in Concert A Lovely Lady 1
J.R. Rondeau: Perching Gull
J.R. Rondeau: Our ride
J.R. Rondeau: Canada Uppermost in their thoughts!
J.R. Rondeau: The Commited in Concert Let there be Drums!
J.R. Rondeau: Path to the Sun!
J.R. Rondeau: Tokyo by night
J.R. Rondeau: Nearly done
J.R. Rondeau: I can grow anywhere!
J.R. Rondeau: The Committed in Concert
J.R. Rondeau: Arch of Light!
J.R. Rondeau: Fuzzy white stuff
J.R. Rondeau: Bearly bearable!
J.R. Rondeau: Quilt of the Ameriacan Flag at 9/11 Memorial Museum!
J.R. Rondeau: Detail of a sculpture at 9/11 Memorial Museum!
J.R. Rondeau: The Commited in Concert A Key Lady!
J.R. Rondeau: The Commited in Concert Vocals!
J.R. Rondeau: Our Guide
J.R. Rondeau: The town of Assilah in Morocco 3
J.R. Rondeau: Looking over the mists of time 1
J.R. Rondeau: Parade go-ers!
J.R. Rondeau: More Berber Whisky
J.R. Rondeau: The Lake Awaits
J.R. Rondeau: The Commited in Concert A lighter moment!
J.R. Rondeau: Winter playground
J.R. Rondeau: Coming in from the cold (Scott Lough)
J.R. Rondeau: Venus, Pan and Eros