J.R. Rondeau: Ancient Agora of Athens
J.R. Rondeau: Temple of Hephaestus
J.R. Rondeau: Olive Tree
J.R. Rondeau: Erechtheion
J.R. Rondeau: Erechtheion looking over Athens
J.R. Rondeau: Self and Acropolis
J.R. Rondeau: The Acropolis 1
J.R. Rondeau: The Acropolis 2
J.R. Rondeau: The Acropoilis 3
J.R. Rondeau: New Athens seen through the Old
J.R. Rondeau: Acropolis From the Temple of Olympion Zeus
J.R. Rondeau: Temple of Olympian Zeus
J.R. Rondeau: Tomb of the Unknown Soldier - Greece
J.R. Rondeau: Tomb of the Unknown Soldier - Greece Changing of the Guard
J.R. Rondeau: Tomb of the Unknown Soldier - Greece Changing of the Guard
J.R. Rondeau: Tomb of the Unknown Soldier - Greece Changing of the Guard
J.R. Rondeau: Tomb of the Unknown Soldier - Greece Changing of the Guard
J.R. Rondeau: Souvlaki