JRPhotographyBC: Cherry Blossom - Pentax LX, 40mm/2.8 Superia 400
JRPhotographyBC: Come on Dada, Dis way
JRPhotographyBC: Leitz Minolta CL, VM 40mm - FujiFilm Superia 400
JRPhotographyBC: Johanna in the sandbox
JRPhotographyBC: Johanna with a fluffy!
JRPhotographyBC: Leica M5, Voigtländer 40mm - JCH 400 with IR Filter
JRPhotographyBC: Evening Walk home from bus
JRPhotographyBC: Lilac tree
JRPhotographyBC: Leica M5, Voigtländer 40mm - Ilford FP4+
JRPhotographyBC: Johanna at playground
JRPhotographyBC: Johanna Playground 2.0
JRPhotographyBC: Aunt Stephie with Westley
JRPhotographyBC: Leitz Minolta CL w/Voigtländer 40mm f/1.4 Nokton Classic S.C. - Fish Feeding
JRPhotographyBC: Leitz Minolta CL w/Voigtländer 40mm f/1.4 Nokton Classic S.C. - Fish Feeding
JRPhotographyBC: Canonet QL17 G-III - Superia 400 @ Coq Centre
JRPhotographyBC: Canonet QL17 G-III - FujiFilm Superia 400
JRPhotographyBC: Canonet QL17 GIII - FujiFilm Superia 400 - Fog 2
JRPhotographyBC: Canon QL17 GIII - FujiFilm Superia 400
JRPhotographyBC: Better late then never
JRPhotographyBC: Better late then never
JRPhotographyBC: Better late then never
JRPhotographyBC: Better late then never
JRPhotographyBC: Better late then never
JRPhotographyBC: Better late then never
JRPhotographyBC: Better late then never
JRPhotographyBC: Better late then never