nervous system: underside of a bolete
nervous system: underside of a bolete
nervous system: underside of a bolete
nervous system: underside of a bolete
nervous system: Lycogala epidendrum
nervous system: Featherfoil and lily pads
nervous system: insect effects
nervous system: underside of Umbilicaria lichen
nervous system: Umbilicaria lichen
nervous system: dimelaena oreina lichen
nervous system: dimelaena oreina lichen
nervous system: Thorn Cladonia Lichen - Cladonia Uncialis
nervous system: Thorn Cladonia Lichen - Cladonia Uncialis
nervous system: coral fungi
nervous system: coral fungi
nervous system: coral fungi
nervous system: a tiny coral fungi bursting out of the ground
nervous system: Xylobolus frustulatus
nervous system: frozen bubbles
nervous system: frozen bubbles
nervous system: frozen bubbles
nervous system: frozen bubbles
nervous system: frozen bubbles
nervous system: frozen bubbles
nervous system: frozen bubbles
nervous system: frozen bubbles
nervous system: frozen bubbles
nervous system: frozen bubbles
nervous system: frozen bubbles
nervous system: ice crystals on pine needles