jrodmanjr: Just inside the main entrance to Death Valley and greeted with this view - completely not what I expected.
jrodmanjr: Manly Beacon at Zabriskie Point, lighting up as a ray of sunshine broke through the clouds. Also the site of U2's cover photo for Joshua Tree.
jrodmanjr: First road out of civilization. Next gas stop, 50 miles.
jrodmanjr: Do we know what lies beyond?
jrodmanjr: It rained. In Death Valley. The one day I go out there.
jrodmanjr: The chase, @ Mesquite Flats sand dunes
jrodmanjr: Mesquite Flats sand dunes
jrodmanjr: Mesquite Flats sand dunes
jrodmanjr: Mesquite Flats sand dunes
jrodmanjr: Road to Badwater Basin
jrodmanjr: Devil's Golf Course