JRIDLEY1: Published in National Geographic Backyard Guide to the Birds of North America
JRIDLEY1: Male Blue Bird
JRIDLEY1: Star of the Forest!
JRIDLEY1: Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum)
JRIDLEY1: Daddy Common Yellowthroat Says Happy Father's Day!
JRIDLEY1: Northern Cardinal
JRIDLEY1: Spread Your Wings And Fly!
JRIDLEY1: Immature Red-eyed Vireo
JRIDLEY1: Little Blue-gray Gnatcatcher!!
JRIDLEY1: Male Indigo Bunting!
JRIDLEY1: Yellow Warbler!
JRIDLEY1: American Robin!
JRIDLEY1: Big Red!
JRIDLEY1: Gray Catbird!!
JRIDLEY1: Baltimore Oriole!
JRIDLEY1: Common Yellowthroat!
JRIDLEY1: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher!
JRIDLEY1: Scarlet Tanager!
JRIDLEY1: Yellow Warbler!
JRIDLEY1: Male Red-winged Blackbird High Stepping
JRIDLEY1: Screaming Cardinal
JRIDLEY1: Northern Male Cardinal
JRIDLEY1: Cardinal Male
JRIDLEY1: Big Mouth
JRIDLEY1: Old Crow!
JRIDLEY1: Black-capped Chickadee
JRIDLEY1: Eastern Bluebird
JRIDLEY1: Eastern Bluebird