JRJ.: Byzantine Gate, also called the Gate of Persecution
JRJ.: St. John's grave
JRJ.: The Basilica of St John
JRJ.: The Basilica of St John
JRJ.: The Basilica of St John
JRJ.: The Basilica of St John
JRJ.: Ephesus I
JRJ.: Spot the Artemis Temple,
JRJ.: The Artemis Temple in Ephesus
JRJ.: view from St. Johns Basilica, Ephesus
JRJ.: Ephesus tourist souvenirs
JRJ.: The discussing cat in Ephesus
JRJ.: Ephesus - ancient details
JRJ.: The Temple cat in Ephesus
JRJ.: Ephesus excavated detail
JRJ.: The marble road to the Celcus library in Ephesus
JRJ.: Curetes Street, where processions in honor of Artemis were once held
JRJ.: Slope houses
JRJ.: Another cat doing historical exploration
JRJ.: Slope houses
JRJ.: Only the foot remains of this statue in Ephesus
JRJ.: Womens latrine in Ephesus
JRJ.: Library of Celsus, Ephesus
JRJ.: Library of Celsus, Ephesus
JRJ.: The great theater in Ephesus
JRJ.: Arcadian Street (Harbor Street), Ephesus
JRJ.: Ephesus - historical play
JRJ.: Roman solidier in Ephesus
JRJ.: The Royal Court - Ephesus
JRJ.: Menandros, 4th centeru AD