jrjenks_agiletek: We used a Dremel to cut the truss assembly into two parts that could be pulled out of the neck.
jrjenks_agiletek: 2008-10-13 Short neck banjo construction 020
jrjenks_agiletek: ...we used a saw to cut the neck off, just above the 12th fret.
jrjenks_agiletek: ...that held the neck...
jrjenks_agiletek: We created a jig...
jrjenks_agiletek: ...so we could cut a notch in the neck to accommodate the spline.
jrjenks_agiletek: We cut our piece of mahogany at a 72 degree angle and created a pine jig with an 18 degree angle cut.
jrjenks_agiletek: This let us cut a notch for the peghead...
jrjenks_agiletek: ...which fit the spline and which held the peghead at an 18 degree angle.
jrjenks_agiletek: Using the diagram as a guide we used a band saw to cut the mahogany block to the snakehead shape.
jrjenks_agiletek: We printed the Visio diagram (to exact scale) and...
jrjenks_agiletek: ...lightly glued the printout onto the mahagony block.
jrjenks_agiletek: After cutting the block to size...
jrjenks_agiletek: ...and marking the spots for peg holes...
jrjenks_agiletek: This notch runs parallel to the surface of the fretboards
jrjenks_agiletek: ...our peghead block...
jrjenks_agiletek: ...was ready for the drilling of the peg holes.
jrjenks_agiletek: We used a drill press to drill the peg holes.
jrjenks_agiletek: The peg holes are perpendicular to the surface of the peghead.
jrjenks_agiletek: We rabbited out a trench along each side of the back of the peghead.
jrjenks_agiletek: Then we rounded the outer edges of the peghead with an hand sander.
jrjenks_agiletek: 2008-10-14 Short neck banjo construction 042
jrjenks_agiletek: Next we needed to create a custom, five-notch nut. We started with a plain nut blank.
jrjenks_agiletek: ...and marked the location of the five notches (one for each string).
jrjenks_agiletek: ...to indicate the top of the fretboard...
jrjenks_agiletek: We marked the nut blank...
jrjenks_agiletek: 2008-10-14 Short neck banjo construction 052
jrjenks_agiletek: We wanted to leave some space for the epoxy.
jrjenks_agiletek: 2008-10-14 Short neck banjo construction 049
jrjenks_agiletek: 2008-10-14 Short neck banjo construction 051