The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: Growth of built up area in London Metropolitain Regaion
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: Field Trip to Thamesmead, London
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: Growth and restraint: The South East Region
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: Chilterns A.O.N.B. and Green Belt Area Map
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: Map of South East England showing New Towns
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: South East Planning Regional Strategy
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: South East England: Areas suggested for expansion
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: Sub-divisions of the South East of England
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: Areas suggested for expansion South East
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: Housing: potential households and dwelling stocks, 1971-1991.
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: South East region and sub-divisions, change in the number of households between 1976 and 1991.
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: Households: numbers and average size 1961-1991.
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: Destination of office moves, Greater London
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: Population 1966 in South East England
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: Thousands of Vehicles on roads in Greater London
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: Thousands of Vehicles on roads in Greater London
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: Effects of distance from centre on travel generation
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: Cumulative trip distribution (minutes)
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: Cumulative trip distribution (miles)
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: Total Internal Person Journeys by purpose and land use
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: Total internal person journeys by basic journey purpose and land use
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: Total internal person journeys by basic journey purpose and land use
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: Home based internal person journeys by basic journey purpose
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: Effect of household income on travel generation