The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: Unknown data set, Greater Stockholm, Sweden.
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: County of San Diego environmental impact review process for private projects
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: 'From Paris to The Channel' unknown data set.
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: A portion of Apollo VI photograph. Built up areas of Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas.
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: Participation in goals for the New York region's projects
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: New York Region Definitions
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: Rings of Development in the New York Metropolitan Region
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: Zoning of Vacant Land in the New York Region
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: New York Region Development Rings
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: Concentration of New York region's employment
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: Extent of Land Development of New York region 1960-1965
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: Regional plan definitions of the New York Regions
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: Washington's new neighbour: Reston
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: Charles M. Goodman Associates design for homes in Reston, Virginia, U.S.A.
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: Wittlesey and Conklin, Near Reston, Virginia, U.S.A.
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: How Reston was planned as America's first full scale satellite city
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: Charles M. Goodman Associates design for homes in Reston, Virginia, U.S.A.
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: Artists impression of Reston, Virginia, U.S.A.
The JR James Archive, University of Sheffield: Mass transportation usage related to population density and automobile ownership