jritch77: Dos Ducks
jritch77: Uno Duck
jritch77: Fossil Fools Day Rally at Freedom Park 003
jritch77: Fossil Fools Day Rally at Freedom Park 004
jritch77: Contrast Contortion
jritch77: Fossil Fools Day Rally at Freedom Park 013
jritch77: Fossil Fools Day Rally at Freedom Park 016
jritch77: Fossil Fools Day Rally at Freedom Park 017
jritch77: Fossil Fools Day Rally at Freedom Park 019
jritch77: Do Not Disturb?
jritch77: Fossil Fools Day Rally at Freedom Park 021
jritch77: Lawing and Ellis
jritch77: Lawing Rocks Acoustic
jritch77: Tim Wants to Save the Earth
jritch77: No New Coal
jritch77: Clean Up Dirty
jritch77: Externalities of Coal
jritch77: Clean Air, Clean Earth
jritch77: Vader and Liberty
jritch77: Green Party
jritch77: Fossil Fools Day Rally at Freedom Park 035
jritch77: Fossil Fools Day Rally at Freedom Park 036
jritch77: Fossil Fools Day Rally at Freedom Park 037
jritch77: Fossil Fools Day Rally at Freedom Park 038
jritch77: Fossil Fools Day Rally at Freedom Park 040
jritch77: Fossil Fools Day Rally at Freedom Park 041
jritch77: Fossil Fools Day Rally at Freedom Park 042
jritch77: Stop Cliffside!
jritch77: Fossil Fools Day Rally at Freedom Park 046
jritch77: Coal Sucks