JRhalili: Day 1: Honda Fit
JRhalili: Day 2: Hot Sunny Day
JRhalili: Day 3: Lorenzo James
JRhalili: Day 4: VA Beach
JRhalili: Day 5: Lunch at Mahi Mahs
JRhalili: Day 6: Chesapeak Bridge
JRhalili: Day 7: New Desk!
JRhalili: Day 8: Fear of God
JRhalili: Day 9: Heather "Up Coming Super Model"
JRhalili: Day 10: Lunch with Friends
JRhalili: Day 11: New Bedsheets!
JRhalili: Day 12: Chillin with Babe and Po
JRhalili: Day 13: Cigarettes and Macbook
JRhalili: Day 14: Bored and Sleepy at Work
JRhalili: Day 15: Janelle Work Diary
JRhalili: Day 16: Super Clean Screen and New Wallpaper
JRhalili: Day 17: New Cork board
JRhalili: Day 18: Janelle's Work Diary
JRhalili: Day 19: Haili Dogs Video
JRhalili: Day 20: True Blood Season 4 Premier
JRhalili: Day 21: Extra Bright Apple Logo
JRhalili: Day 22: Final Cut Pro X
JRhalili: Day 23: Walk at the Lake
JRhalili: Day 24: Macbook Pro Camera
JRhalili: Day 25: Finally Here!
JRhalili: Day 26: Full Day at the Beach
JRhalili: Day 27: New Shoes!
JRhalili: Day 28: New Hairdo
JRhalili: Day 29: New Marlboro Special Blend Menthol