Jim G27: Interior of the Colosseum
Jim G27: The Roman Forum
Jim G27: The Colosseum
Jim G27: The Hypogeum of the Colosseum
Jim G27: Interior of the Colosseum
Jim G27: Interior wall of the Colosseum
Jim G27: Arches in the Colosseum
Jim G27: Michelangelo's Creation of Adam
Jim G27: Detail from Michelangelo's Last Judgment
Jim G27: IMG_3998
Jim G27: David Slays Goliath
Jim G27: Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
Jim G27: IMG_3988
Jim G27: School of Athens by Raphael
Jim G27: IMG_4057
Jim G27: The Sistine Chapel
Jim G27: Detail from Michelangelo's "Last Judgment"
Jim G27: Adam and Eve Cast Out of the Garden
Jim G27: IMG_3982
Jim G27: Pope Francis
Jim G27: Trevi Fountain
Jim G27: Trevi Fountain
Jim G27: DSC_4634
Jim G27: Michelangelo's Moses
Jim G27: Michelangelo's Moses
Jim G27: Michelangelo's Moses
Jim G27: Pope Francis
Jim G27: Pope Francis
Jim G27: Pope Francis
Jim G27: DSC_4442