CSky65: Dubhe (Double Star, Alpha Ursae Majoris)
CSky65: HIP97649 (Altair – Double Star)
CSky65: Vega (Alpha Lyrae)
CSky65: NGC6990 (The Veal Nebula)
CSky65: NGC7822
CSky65: IC59 (The Cone Nebula)
CSky65: M45 (The Pleiades)
CSky65: NGC869/884 (Perseus Double Cluster) - Reprocessed
CSky65: NGC6960 (The Western Veal Nebula aka the Witch’s Broom Nebula and Caldwell 34)
CSky65: _M8 (The Lagoon Nebula) - BW
CSky65: NGC2264 (The Christmas Tree Nebula/Cone Nebula/Snow Flake Nebula/Fox Fur Nebula) - Reprocessed on 20141214
CSky65: Altair
CSky65: Deneb
CSky65: Messier 40 - Winnecke 4
CSky65: Albireo - Beta 1 & 2 Cygni