JRESQ: James, Erin, and Ginger
JRESQ: Double fisting
JRESQ: In the belgian lounge
JRESQ: Me, Suzy, Ginger, and Erin
JRESQ: Erin, Ginger, James, and Me
JRESQ: The starting gate
JRESQ: The Cruise Terminal at the Navy Yard
JRESQ: Todd and the Alke product line.
JRESQ: Beer Kicks Ass shirt
JRESQ: Welcome to the Philly Craft Beer Festival
JRESQ: Melissa, Me, and Jaime
JRESQ: Impromptu spin the bottle
JRESQ: Melissa and Jaime
JRESQ: The Melrose Diner: A South Philly Tradition
JRESQ: Beth and James
JRESQ: Beth and James II
JRESQ: What to order?
JRESQ: Artsy diner shot
JRESQ: Another artsy diner shot